We'd been working like Trojans this week, continuing with the 'improvements' to The Rosabella. The alternator gave up the ghost on Wednesday evening and, with no time for visiting scrappies,we had no alternative but to get Harold from the corner garage to fix it. £178, plus another £40 for an oil and filter change while he was at it. Ouch! And 'ouch!' as well because T had hurt his back lugging the leisure battery around.
Saturday 24th April
We were both cold in the night and neither of us slept well. T had the kettle on at 7ish (one of the benefits of The Rosabella's new layout is that we can make the tea from bed!).
We'd been told that we were going out to breakfast and at 10 o'clock we duly headed for the marina. Tim was waiting for us on his 45' motor catamaran, Stray Cat. It was beautiful, luxurious, the sun was beating down and we all felt very privileged that Tim would share his boat with us for a little while. We headed off for St Tudwall's island, the plan being to drop anchor and have breakfast, a bit of a sing and then be back by mid-afternoon.
Tim then announced that one of Stray Cat's engines was failing and that we were heading back to port. The sun was glorious and, when out of the breeze, very warm. We waited at the entrance to the marina for the maritime version of the AA man to turn up, which he did and fixed the errant motor quickly. We then spent an hour working through our repertoire, singing hard to hear ourselves in the open space. Eventually hoarse, we stopped for brunch of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs - lovely, and very welcome.
Neil had asked if we would sing a few songs in the yacht club on Saturday evening, in return for our drinks. We were struggling a little after our vocal exertions on the boat but we started with a couple of old favourites and, before we knew it, we were in to a full-blown gig to a packed room. We sang ourselves to a standstill and were fed and watered - chips, mayo, wine and beer (so much wine that we had to take some back to Neil's). More curry before crashing, exhausted again, to bed in The Rosabella.
Sunday 25th April
No problems sleeping last night - warm, cosy and completely worn out. Even T slept till 8 o'clock! We mooched, with Jac, around town and up to the chandlery for a couple of bits and pieces before returning to a huge Sunday roast lunch, cooked by Neil and Sue. A big effort was needed to move and head for home (via the Gelert factory shop!) after a great, fun, knackering weekend with Rapsquillion - what a lovely group of people to spend time with!
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